BatchPay Banking & Email Address Details

Banking and Email Address Details

Two core BatchPay features are the ability to pay suppliers and email them remittances for payments made. 

BatchPay leverages Xero's Contact fields for these details - so keeping your records up to date in Xero automatically keeps BatchPay up to date also.

This article outlines how to administer supplier bank accounts and email addresses.

1. Xero Contact - Banking Details

Before commencing the BatchPay process, it is important to setup your contacts in Xero first. Specifically, to be able to process batch payments using BatchPay to supplier bank accounts, you MUST add the banking details of your payee's bank account to the 'Financial details' section in Xero against the contact.

In Xero, open the contact, click the Edit button. Select the 'Financial details' of the contact and enter the following details (pictured below). Click the Save & close button when finished.

  • Bank Account Name
  • BSB Code
  • Bank Account Number
  • Reference
  • Currency

The Xero contact fields may be slightly different than those pictured below and listed above depending on which country your Xero profile is based in.   

2. Xero Contact - Email Address

To be able to email remittances for payments made to your suppliers, you MUST add the email address of your payee to the 'Contact details' section in Xero against the contact.

In Xero, open the contact, click the Edit button. Select the 'Contact details' of the contact and enter the Email (pictured below). Click the Save & close button when finished.

3. Return to BatchPay

You can now return to your BatchPay browser tab or window and commence the BatchPay process.

Step 1 of the BatchPay process is to generate and export your BatchPay payment file for upload to your bank. Detailed instructions can be found here.

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